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(ii) dim Mi = n (V i > 1) (iii) ot [Mi] cintMi (Vt>O) (iv) The flow is transverse to the boundary of each Mi-that is, for x E aMi (O< i < k), X. is not tangent to aMi Given a filtration 'DTh, the maximal 4-invariant subset of Mi-Mi is denoted Ki (DI)= n { 4t[ Mi -intMi I]: :t E=R) and we let K (9t)= U { Ki ( D): i = 1.., k}. We shall call the filtration fine if K (9Dth) = i2(0) (the set of non-wandering points for 4). If 4 does not admit a fine filtration, we will look for a sequence 6Yi of filtrations for which K (, (DT) tend to 52 (p). More precisely, Definition. A filtration GM = {M0o, Mj,..., M1 } refines the filtration 'X = { M,,..., Mk} if for each a = 1..., 1 there exists ia' 1 < io < k, such that Received May 18, 1973. *Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow. All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1030 Z. NITECKI AND M. SHUB. Definition. A sequence 912, ... of filtrations for 4 is said to be fine if (i) ?Tih+I refines 9iT (i= 1,...) (ii) n K ((