РОСЛИННИЦТВО загальної забур'яненості на посівах люпину отримано у варіанту досліду із внесенням бакової суміші Харнес + Юпітер: в середньому за роки досліджень знищення бур'янів досягало 80 %. Не встановлено негативного впливу цих препаратів на розвиток рослин і зниження врожайності насіння люпину. Література
To establish the biological characteristics of growth and development of plants and the formation of planting material of miscanthus under conditions of drip irrigation. Methods. Field, laboratory, visual, measuring, weight, mathematical-statistical. Results. Represented the effectiveness of cultivation of planting material of miscanthus under conditions of drip irrigation without the application of Maxi Marin absorbent and when it is added to the period of planting of the rhizome. High survival of miscanthus plants in transplanting them from growing to open ground is established. In the conditions of drip irrigation it was 4.9% (without absorbent) and 3.3% (for making absorbent) more than without irrigation was. Drip irrigation significantly influenced the plant height and the formation of stems, while the introduction of absorbent was observed only a tendency of increase of these indicators. Introducing absorbent in rainfed conditions has resulted in a substantial increase in the content of free water in the leaves of miscanthus. Drip irrigation has contributed to intensive growth of not only land mass, and the mass of roots that provided a significant increase in the yield of planting material - the rhizome. The average for years of research weight uterine rhizome in drip irrigation was greater in control (without absorbent) by 62.8%, or 917,9 g than the absorbent application, respectively, the 61.8% or 912,7 g compared to irrigated conditions. Conclusions. The use of an absorbent as in rainfed conditions without irrigation, and in drip irrigation did not provide the increase of biometric parameters of the plants, weight of roots and, consequently, the output of planting material - the rhizome. The increase of these indicators was significantly affected only drip irrigation. In drip irrigation without any absorbent and when it is added from one of the ovaries rhizomes obtained mass was 15-20 g in 1.5 and weighing 25-30 g in 1.4 times more compared to the cultivation of ovaries without irrigation.
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Purpose. To establish the features of the sugar beet seed yield formation as affected by the quality of mother roots, in particular their partial affection by root rot providing the removal of the rot foci before planting. Methods. Field, laboratory, visual, measuring and weighting, mathematical and statistical. Results. The use of mother roots partially affected by root rot for planting after removing the foci of the disease before planting, did not affect the resistance of seed bearing plants to diseases (viral yellows, cercosporosis, and mosaic) during the growing season. The quality of mother roots influenced the formation of productive seed bearers. During planting of healthy root crops unaffected by rot, 13.3% more productive plants were formed than in the control, where partially affected root crops were planted, which ensured an increase in seed yield by 0.13 t/ha. A significant increase in seed yield was obtained in the variants where the seed bearers were treated with fungicide. When planting healthy mother roots both in the control and in the variants with the treatment of seed bearers with fungicides, the germination rate was significantly higher compared to the variant where partially affected mother roots were planted. The content of sowing fractions of seeds (3.50–4.50 and 4.50–5.50 mm) did not change significantly when planting mother roots partially affected by rot, compared with planting healthy roots. Conclusions. The use of mother roots, partially affected by rot, for planting, after removing the foci of the disease before planting, did not affect the damage to the seed bearing plants by diseases. By reducing the number of productive plants, seed yield and its quality decreased significantly.
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