This work presents the research and development data in the field of finishing and hardening processes for parts with complicated shape surface. The comparable effectiveness of different surface finishing and hardening processes were studied, and intensification possibilities of processes of vibration finishing - hardening machining of narrow ducts by means of combined methods with metal anodic dissolution were shown. The results of experimental researches of influence of extrusion conditions of granular media on the surface layer quality are presented.
The results of the combined processing of complex profile parts surface of blade machines in order to activate protective coatings by spraying, technological methods and schemes of combined processing are presented.
The information on the new processes designed and adopted for implementation on the combined surface
treatment of loaded parts and assembly units of advanced power plants and special technological equipment is
presented, the original means of technological equipment are described, and the prospects for further expansion of
their technological capabilities and impact on improving of the manufacturability of products are given.