The temperature dependence of the heat capacity of the multiferroics BiFeO3, Bi0.90Sm0.10FeO3, and Bi0.90Eu0.10FeO3 has been studied. It was found that the substitution of europium and samarium ions for bismuth ions in bismuth ferrite leads to the appearance of an additional heat capacity component due to transitions of 4f - electrons of rare earth ions to higher levels of the multiplet. A connection is established between the decrease in phonon thermal conductivity and the Schottky effect for the specific heat.
The heat capacity and dielectric properties of microcrystalline and nanostructured SmFeO_3 ceramics obtained by solid phase synthesis are studied. The ceramics is synthesized by the treatment of the batch at room temperature in Bridgman anvils by forceful action combined with shear deformation followed by sintering. It is established that the mechanoactivation results in noticeable broadening antiferromagnetic–ferroelectric transition and shifting the temperature of phase transition in the low-temperature area. The phase transition having typical for relaxation oscillator frequency dependent character is found at 558 K. It is shown that the defect structure can take a dominant place in the formation of the physical properties of ceramics.