Abstract. The chlorophyll content is the most important factor that determines the intensity of photosynthesis and the overall biological productivity of plants. Therefore, the search for mechanisms that allow you to manage the production process is an important task, the solution of which will allow you to improve the technological methods of growing crops to obtain high yields. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of various elements of cultivation technology on the chlorophyll content in plants and the yield of winter wheat. Methods. The objects of research were winter wheat crops of various varieties. The chlorophyll content was determined by the method of Ya. I. Milaeva and N. P. Primak. Crop accounting was performed using the combine method. Results. The relative chlorophyll content in winter wheat plants: lea predecessor on average 9,4 % higher than for cereals; the use of mineral fertilizers in a few increased this figure by 38,0 %, wheat ‒ 14,0 %; in the later sowing time the amount of green pigments in plants on average more than early and optimum of 10,5 and 4,0 %, respectively; in more thickened crops, the chlorophyll content in plants is lower than in sparse ones (by 13,0 %). The absolute chlorophyll content (g/m2) in winter wheat plants: in a few in an average of 45,0 % higher than for cereals; the use of mineral fertilizers in a few increased this figure at 73,4 %, for winter wheat ‒ 76,8 %; number of green pigments in plants at the optimum sowing time is on average higher than in the early (29,6 %) and late (15,2 %); at the optimal seeding rate accumulates more chlorophyll than the minimum (by 33,4 %) and the maximum (24,2 %). On average, for all cultivation technologies, the variety Stat' contains the largest amount of chlorophyll in plants, and Zustrich – the smallest. The yield of winter wheat for the lea precursor was 4,9 t/ha, for winter wheat – 3,3 t/ha. Use of mineral fertilizers on couple increased this indicator on average by 44,1 %, and on the cereal predecessor ‒ by 55,3 %. At the optimal time of sowing, the highest yield was formed, and on average it was 5,1 t/ha for varieties. seeding Rates did not have provable differences on the yield of winter wheat. The highest yield was obtained in the Rate variety on the predecessor of pairs on a fertilized background – 7,5 t/ha. Scientific novelty. The features of the influence of various precursors, the level of mineral nutrition, timing and seeding rates on the content of chlorophyll in plants and the yield of winter wheat crops of new varieties of selection of the North Caucasian FSAC were revealed. The correlation between the relative and absolute content of chlorophyll in winter wheat plants and its yield for these varieties in the zone of unstable moisture in the Stavropol territory was determined.
ОЦЕНКА СОСТОЯНИЯ РАСТЕНИЙ МЕТОДАМИ ЭКСПРЕСС-ДИАГНОСТИКИ Ф. В. ЕРОШЕНКО, доктор биологических наук, заведующий отделом физиологии растений, И. Г. СТОРЧАК, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела физиологии растений, И. В. ЧЕРНОВА, кандидат географических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки экологического состояния агроценозов, Северо-Кавказский федеральный научный аграрный центр
Проанализировано состояние сельскохозяйственного страхования, осуществляемого с государственной поддержкой, оценены объем и динамика рынка, определены направления совершенствования системы сельскохозяйственного страхования в России в период 2018 – 2022 гг. Развитие отечественной системы агрострахования непосредственно связано со стратегическими вопросами продовольственной безопасности. Важной задачей является укрепление позиций России на мировом рынке аграрной продукции с использованием инструментов страхования для защиты рисков аграриев. Приоритетными направлениями для укрепления системы агрострахования должны стать совершенствование условий страхования с господдержкой; повышение доступности для сельхозпроизводителей всех категорий, в том числе малого и среднего фермерства; развитие цифровизации.