This article touches on the issues of the study of the Sakha pantheon of Aiyy deities. The goal of this article is to examine the work and research dedicated to studying the upper Aiyy deities. This research utilizes comparative and descriptive methods to reveal the similarities and differences in representations of Aiyy deities in the Sakha epic olonkho. A lexico-semantic method was used in the analysis of the names of the upper deities. An analytic survey of the work of researchers of Sakha folklore, including the work N. P. Prizupov, I. A. Khudyakov, V. M. Ionov, N. A. Alekseev, and others. These scholars often included representations of the deity Iuriung Aar Toion. The deity Iuriung Aiyy Toion is mentioned in the works of N. F. Ostolopov, R. K. Maak, E. K. Pekarskii, and others. Several researchers include representation of both deitys, for example Ia. I. Lindenau. It was the opinion of A. E. Kulakovskii that Iuriung Aar Toion and Iuriung Aiyy Toion were representations of a single deity. A. I. Gogolev asserted that the image of the sun deity Iuriung Aar Toion merged with the functions of Aar Aiyy Toion in the 20 th century. Researchers also mentioned two more representations of chief deities in the Upper World: Aar Aiyy Toion and Aiyy Tangara. The figure of Aar Aiyy Toion is often presented as the "Holy, Godly Lord" in the works of R. K. Maak, E. K. Pekarskii, and V. F. Troshchanskii. The authors of this article analyzed olonkho texts from three different regional traditions: the central tradition, the viliusk tradition, and the northeastern tradition. The figure of the deity Iuriung Aiyy Toion is mentioned primarily in olonkho in the viliusk and northeastern epic traditions. In contrast, olonkho in the central epic tradition include representations of the deity Iuriung Aar Toion. The images of both Iuriung Aar Toion and Iuriung Aiyy Toion have been studied in the northeastern epic tradition. As a result of this analysis of the works of researchers of Sakha folklore, ethnography, and history, we can conclude that the figure of the primary Sakha deity has been represent in four different ways: Iuriun Aar Toion, Iuriung Aiyy Toion, Aar Aiyy Toion, and Aiyy Tangara. The name of the chief deity in folkloric texts is represented in several ways, thus leading to different interpretations of his image.
В статье рассматриваются особенности образов сравнений в тексте олонхо, записанном А. Ф. Миддендорфом в 1844 г. Текст этой записи состоит из двух частей: первая часть записана на языке оригинала в прозаической форме латинским алфавитом; вторая является пересказом содержания олонхо на русском языке. В качестве текстового материала для исследования взята первая часть записи, которая предварительно транскрибирована авторами на кириллицу и переведена в стихотворную форму. Для сравнительного анализа образов сравнения к исследованию привлечены тексты и других олонхо.По суждению авторов, в якутском сказительском искусстве уровень владения таким художественно-изобразительным средством как сравнение достиг самой высокой степени. Сравнения, созданные якутскими сказителями, имеют назначение передать не cтолько смысловую информацию, сколько эмоциональное отношение сказителя к действу, его мировоззрение и мироощущение, а также его интеллектуальные и творческие способности. А так как олонхо является коллективным произведением, помимо индивидуальных качеств отдельной личности, оно способно охарактеризовать национально-специфическое видение мира целого народа.По результатам изучения отрывка текста, выявлено всего 11 сравнений. Установлено, что образами в сравнениях наиболее часто привлекаются явления природы (поляна, излучина речки, холм, разлом земли, раскол горы). Такие сравнения считаются наиболее ранними в эпических сказаниях. Отмечены единичные примеры употребления образов человека, животного, насекомого и предмета быта. 9 сравнений являются устойчивыми формулами, в тексте олонхо употреблены их упрощенные варианты, т. е. переданы практически только основы образов без подробной детализации. Это является одним из признаков отсутствия импровизаторского таланта у исполнителя олонхо, записанного А. Ф. Миддендорфом. 2 примера сравнения не нашли аналогий в других рассмотренных олонхо. В первом из них наблюдается «оземление» священного коня, утрата его небесного происхождения. Во втором распознано выражение неприязни к «чужому» человеку. The article considers the features of images of comparisons in the olonkho text recorded by A. F. Middendorf in 1844. The text of this record consists of two parts: the first part is recorded in the original language in prosaic form in the Latin alphabet; The second is a retelling of the content of the olonkho in Russian. As the text material for the study, the first part of the record, which was previously transcribed by the authors into Cyrillic alphabet and translated into a poetic form, was taken. For a comparative analysis of the images of comparison to the study, texts of other olonkho are involved.According to the authors' opinion, in the Yakut narrative art the level of ownership of such an artistic and visual medium as comparison reached the highest degree. The comparisons created by the Yakut narrators are intended to convey not only the semantic information, but rather the emotional attitude of the narrator to the action, his world view and attitude, as well as his intellectual and creative abilities. And since olonkho is a collective work, in addition to the individual qualities of an individual person, it is capable of characterizing a national-specific vision of the world of an entire ethnic group.Based on the results of the study of the passage of the text, only 11 comparisons were found. It is established that the most frequent phenomena in comparison are the phenomena of nature (glade, river bend, hill, earth fault, mountain split). Such comparisons are considered the earliest in epic tales. Single examples of the use of images of man, animal, insect and object of life are noted. Nine comparisons are stable formulas, in the text of the olonkho their simplified versions are used, that is, practically only the basics of the images are transmitted without detailed elaboration. This is one of the signs of the lack of improvisational talent from the olonkho performer, recorded by A. F. Middendorf. Two examples of comparison did not find analogies in other olonkhos considered. In the first of them, the "landing" of the sacred horse, the loss of its celestial origin, is observed. In the second, the expression of dislike for a person of a different nationality is recognized.