Aim: To evaluate the level of development of critical thinking elements in the process of working with a constructor in elementary school students. The main tasks are:1) to analyze the concept of "critical thinking" in the works of researchers; 2) to establish the main characteristics of critical thinking and its ability; 3) to identify the impact of "LEGO" on the development of critical thinking in younger students.
Research Methods. Comparative analysis of sources of scientific pedagogical literature, interpretation, formulation of conclusions. The results are processed mathematically and presented in the format of comparative tables.
Results. The article presents the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research. The concept of "critical thinking" is analyzed, its signs are shown. The peculiarities of critical thinking of the younger student are formulated, the educational possibilities of the designer are considered. The peculiarities of the development of critical thinking in younger students in the process of tasks with the designer "LEGO" are revealed.
LEGO classes provide opportunities for diverse development of students and the formation of the most important competences reflected in the concept of the New Ukrainian School. critical thinking is formed and developed when processing information, solving problems, problems, assessing the situation, choosing rational ways of activity. It is in the process of working with the designer, first of all, is the processing of information, assessment of the situation. Therefore, this process can be considered a condition for the development of critical thinking.
The study contains empirical results obtained during the work with the experimental data. In the process of completing the tasks, the following indicators are observed: the ability to put ideas into words; ability to find cause and effect; the ability to combine several ideas into one, to create a new idea.
Conclusions. School practice requires the development of new technologies for the formation of students' critical thinking in the learning process, the use of a variety of different pedagogical techniques that encourage students to creative activity, create conditions for them to become aware of the educational material, generalization of the acquired knowledge. Tasks with "LEGO" should be used in working with younger students to develop critical thinking.