The notable difficulties in the morphological identification of phoma-like fungi haveresulted in a poor understanding of the generic and species boundaries in this group of organisms.In most available mycofloristic and phytopathological studies, there is no reliable information onthe distribution of certain nonspecialized phomoid species on cultivated crops or wild plants. Boththe revision of existing data on the biodiversity and geographical distribution of phoma-like fungiassociated with Asteraceae in Russia and the acquisition of new knowledge according to modernconcepts of these fungi are therefore of great significance. The aim of this study was to identifyphoma-like strains from Asteraceae based primarily on phylogenetic analyses of the sequences offour loci (ITS, LSU, TUB, RPB2) as well as on traditional morphological approaches. The resultingphylogenetic trees revealed six well-supported monophyletic clades corresponding to six genera inthe family Didymellaceae: Ascochyta, Boeremia, Didymella, Neoascochyta, Nothophoma, andStagonosporopsis. The isolates were identified as As. kamchatica, B. exigua, B. exigua var. forsythiae,B. exigua var. linicola, D. americana, D. glomerata, D. macrophylla, D. pinodella, D. pomorum,D. rosea, Ne. desmazieri, Ne. paspali, No. quercina, St. dennisii, and St. inoxydabilis. Ascochytakamchatica sp. nov. was described as a new species. Three Didymella species (D.pinodella from Cirsium arvense, D. rosea from Sonchus arvensis, and D. macrophylla from Taraxacumofficinale), two Neoascochyta species (Ne. desmazieri from T. officinale and Ne. paspali fromAchillea millefolium) and St. dennisii from T. officinale were the first records of these phoma-likefungi in Russia.