Introduction: this article deals with the problem of forming the readiness of future police officers for interpersonal interaction in a multinational environment in the educational process of a departmental university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Analyzed the theoretical and methodological approaches to this problem. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, B.F. Lomov about the systems approach and systems analysis as a direction of the methodology of scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on consideration of the process of forming the readiness of cadets for interpersonal interaction as a system. Fundamental principles of the theory of activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein) and their application in the concepts of educational and professional activities in higher education. The concept of the activity-competence approach in the development and implementation of educational programs of higher education focused on modern GEF (TP Afanasyev, E.V. Karavaeva, A.Sh. Kanukoeva, etc.). The analysis of the literature on the influence of the educational environment made it possible to determine the nature of the educational environment of a departmental university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the present stage of development of education as multinational, this is evidenced by the geography and number of students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens. The departmental institution of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia takes as a basis the generally accepted individual, national, all-Russian and world psychological and pedagogical tendencies of the development of the personal functional. In this regard, in our study, we consider interpersonal interaction in a multinational environment as a multifactorial psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, which consists of various forms and methods in a particular territorial unit, taking into account the dialogue, equality and, at the same time, the diversity of interpersonal interaction. The introduction of ethnopedagogical knowledge into the content of education is for future law enforcement officers a special element of the process of preparing for interpersonal communication, which is formed on the basis of an analysis of the general and particular in the life of another nation, an objective assessment of the phenomena of social life. In the wake of V.I. Mathis, the study actualizes the need to include multicultural aspects in the content of the educational process, which will ensure the preservation of the cultural identity of the individual in a multi-ethnic society, foster a culture of interpersonal communication. The peculiarity of the research is the understanding of interpersonal communication in a multinational environment as a universal value, ensuring social cooperation and partnership of subjects of interpersonal interaction; the current content and continuous updating of the educational environment on the basis of the integrated integration of humanitarian and professional components of educational programs and the intensification of the life of the cadets; the activities of teachers aimed at supporting and maintaining the cadets in a multinational educational environment, ensuring its updating and relevance of informational and functional content, monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process. Attention is drawn to the features of the educational environment of the departmental university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Attention is focused on the main components of readiness for interpersonal interaction in an inter-ethnic environment. The content of the components of the readiness of students for interpersonal interaction is described. Materials and methods: a descriptive model of the formation of readiness for interpersonal communication in a multinational environment is presented. The basic components of which are: the target, where the goal and the main tasks of the educational process are revealed; diagnostic result - the results of monitoring work. Discloses the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the proposed model. The leading pedagogical conditions aimed at the organization of the educational environment, including the activities of faculty members, are as follows: the inclusion of ethno-pedagogical knowledge in the content of the disciplines of basic and variable blocks of the curriculum; introduction of active and interactive forms of conducting classes, ensuring the development of cognitive interest in the study of problems of interpersonal communication in a multinational environment; the organization of research work taking into account ethnopedagogical knowledge, including the organization of work of scientific circles; implementation of situational tasks in the process of conducting all types of practices; organization of assistance in the preparation of the activities of students in the composition of the Council of students; organization of educational work. on the basis of the Center of professional and moral education of cadets of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; organization of interaction on issues of readiness for interpersonal communication directly with representatives of internal affairs bodies; providing control through pedagogical monitoring. In accordance with the selected components of student readiness for interpersonal interaction in a multinational environment, diagnostic tools have been developed: («Study of the motivation of learning in high school» (T. I. Ilyina), «Тypes of ethnic identity» by G. U. Soldatovа, «Orientation of personality in communication» (S. L. Bratchenko), «Methods of determining the level of reflexivity» (by V. Ponomareva). Results: the obtained data of a comparative analysis of the results of monitoring work for the 2016/2017 academic year and the 2017/2018 academic year. y on the basis of FGKOU HE "Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation," show that the implemented model and the developed pedagogical conditions correspond to the stated goals and objectives of the study and allow you to effectively prepare students for interpersonal interaction in a multinational environment. Discussion and Conclusions: the implementation of modern education strategies and the tasks of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, protecting the rule of law, and combating crime is impossible without effective interpersonal communication in a multi-ethnic environment. Ethnopedagogical knowledge solves the problem of cross-cultural communication, the formation of readiness for interpersonal communication, as well as orienting to identify common spiritual sources of various nations, but emphasizes that the multinational dialogue forms a focus on common human values and national self-consciousness in order to implement the main directions of the police, ensuring national security of the state.
Введение. Межличностное общение в деятельности полиции является актуальной проблемой, поскольку полиция обязана оказывать практическую помощь каждому, кто в ней нуждается, взаимодействие и сотрудничество позиционируется как принцип полиции. Проявление такта в решении правоохранительных задач, умение смягчить конфликтные проявления и принимать во внимание круг интересов социальных партнеров при разрешении правовых коллизий и др. играют роль в повышении эффективности оперативно-служебной деятельности. Важно в образовательном процессе вуза сформировать готовность к межличностному общению, используя потенциал внеаудиторной деятельности, что может внести ощутимый вклад в становление личности будущего сотрудника полиции. Материалы и методы. В результате изучения и анализа научной литературы, опыта организации внеаудиторной деятельности курсантов были выявлены следующие направления, ориентирующие на включение курсантов в межличностное общение (производственная практика, научная внеаудиторная деятельность, профессиональнонравственное воспитание и культурное развитие, физкультурно-массовые и оздоровительные мероприятия). Каждое направление характеризуется ведущими формами, методами и условиями. С целью определения результативности проводимой работы разработан диагностический инструментарий. Диагностический инструментарий включал опросник межличностных отношений А.А. Рукавишникова и методику Э. Богардус «Шкала социальной дистанции». Указанные методики позволили оценить типичные способы отношения обучающихся к людям и определить степень социально-психологического принятия людьми друг друга. Экспериментальную группу составили 124 курсанта НА МВД России (г. Н.Новгород) и ВА МВД России (г. Волгоград), контрольную группу-119 курсантов НА МВД России (г. Н.Новгород) и ВА МВД России (г. Волгоград). Результаты исследования. По итогам эксперимента получило подтверждение положительное воздействие систематической организованной внеаудиторной деятельности на формирование готовности будущих полицейских к межличностному общению. Обсуждение и заключения. Таким образом, в период проведения экспериментальной работы авторами особое внимание уделялось межличностному общению как глобальной человеческой ценности. Комплексная интеграция внеаудиторной деятельности и активизации жизнедеятельности будущих специалистов МВД России по следующим направлениям: производственная практика, научная внеаудиторная деятельность,
В статье рассматривается проблема формирования готовности к межличностному общению курсантов МВД России в процессе организации внеаудиторной деятельности. Решение проблемы является стратегической задачей для правоохранительной деятельности, поскольку практическая сторона полицейской службы опирается на принцип взаимодействия и сотрудничества с большим количеством субъектов. В процессе работы полицейский должен обеспечить права и свободы человека и гражданина Российской Федерации независимо от пола, возраста, национальной принадлежности и т. п. Соответственно, задача подготовки будущего специалиста правоохранительной деятельности к межличностному общению является приоритетной в системе МВД. Анализ психолого-педагогической и юридической литературы позволил разработать и апробировать Программу организации внеаудиторной деятельности курсантов по различным направлениям учебной и профессиональной деятельности с учетом специфики правоохранительной службы и особенностей подготовки курсантов в условиях поликультурной среды ведомственного вуза. В контексте исследований В. А. Сластенина готовность курсантов МВД России к межличностному общению рассматривается как совокупность качеств личности, которая способствует успешному выполнению учебно-служебных функций. В исследовании доказана гипотеза о том, что эффективному процессу формирования готовности курсантов МВД России к межличностному общению будет способствовать комплекс условий: нормативно-правовых, мотивационных, информационных (содержательных), организационных, научно-методических, кадровых и материально-технических, которые обеспечивают включение курсантов в разные виды внеаудиторной учебной и профессиональной правоохранительной деятельности: практической, научно-исследовательской, нравственно-патриотической, социально-культурной и спортивно-оздоровительной направленности. В процессе экспериментального исследования, которое проводилось на базе ФГКОУ ВО «Нижегородская академия Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации» в 2018–2020 годах, выявлена положительная динамика готовности курсантов к межличностному общению, проявившаяся в уменьшении направленности на себя, увеличении проактивного типа реагирования, способности осознанно управлять своим поведением в процессе коммуникации, эмоциональной доброжелательности к собеседнику. Перспективными направлениями профессиональной подготовки курсантов в условиях внеаудиторной деятельности является развитие у них таких качеств личности, как гибкость в общении, высокая ответственность за результаты своей деятельности; формирование ценностей, интересов, убеждений, навыков межкультурного общения, которые соответствуют требованиям профессии и условиям прохождения службы и практической деятельности в правоохранительных органах. The article treats the issue of developing interpersonal communication skills in students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal affair of the Russian Federation in the process of extracurricular activities. The solution to the problem is a task strategically important to law-enforcement bodies, for the practical part of police work is based on the principles of cooperation and collaboration with a great number of people. Police officers ensure that the rights and freedoms to which all citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled irrespective of their gender, age, nationality, etc. are respected. Therefore, the development of interpersonal communication skills in novice officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a priority for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The analysis of psychological, pedagogical and legal sources enables the authors of the article to investigate and test various academic and vocational extracurricular activities for military students in the multicultural environment of a military university. The investigation of V. A. Slastenin’s research shows that the scholar treats military students’ readiness to interpersonal communication as a complex of personal qualities that ensure successful performance. The research proves the hypothesis that the interrelation of legal, motivational, informative (content-oriented), organizational, methodological, research, material and technical factors ensures efficient development of interpersonal communication skills in students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The aforementioned factors ensure military students’ involvement in academic and vocational extracurricular activities: research activities, patriotic activities, social and cultural activities, athletic activities. Experimental research conducted at Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2018–2020 revealed a positive dynamics in military students’ readiness to interpersonal communication which is manifested through a decrease in self-centeredness, an increase in proactive communication, an ability to regulate one’s behavior in the process of communication, amicability towards one’s interlocutors. Prospective trends of military students professional training through extracurricular activities are the development of communicative flexibility and high level of responsibility for the results of one’s actions as well as the development of values, interests, convictions, and interpersonal communication skills which enable military students to meet professional requirements and cope with the tasks presented by their service in various institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Introduction. The article examines the results of the study of the problem of professional training of police officers (militia) in the historical and pedagogical aspect.Materials and Methods. The study is based on an analysis of various sources: regulatory legal acts of different years, dissertation research, scientific articles, memoirs of leaders and officers of the police (militia), historical periodicals, monographs. The leading methods were: periodization method, comparative-historical method, logical-historical analysis of sources.Results. The analysis of historical sources made it possible to identify the reasons and conditions that had a qualitative impact on the formation and development of the system of departmental education of the police (militia): political, economic, social, cultural, operational and service. The interdependence of the conditions noted made it possible to determine four historical stages in the formation and development of professional education of the police (militia): the first stage (I quarter of the 18th - I half of the 19th centuries), the second stage (II half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries), the third stage (the beginning of the 20th – the beginning of the XXI centuries), the fourth stage (2011 – present). Each historical stage is determined by the socio-economic and political conditions for the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as a state law enforcement agency, characterized by certain professional requirements for the personality of a policeman (policeman), and the directions of development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.Discussion and Conclusions. Based on the historical analysis, it is concluded that the modern development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has retained the essence of the historical concept of law enforcement training and education.Scientific novelty. The paper presents the results of the historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of the system of departmental law enforcement education, identifies the stages of development of this system, taking into account the requirements put forward for the professional and personal qualities of a police officer in different historical eras; features of vocational training, including in the system of additional vocational education; educational and target tasks implemented in the process of teaching and upbringing. The proposed description of the stages allows us to correlate the historical aspects of the formation of professional training of police officers with the modern goals and objectives of vocational education; the requirements put forward for the professional and personal qualities of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as determine the further prospects for the development of this system.Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the professional training of future bachelors, specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in teaching educational disciplines of a pedagogical and legal profile, in the development of methodological materials for advanced training and retraining courses for police personnel, in carrying out activities in extracurricular activities (scientific circles).
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