The results on measuring the impedance of a solid-state thin-film lithium-ion battery of the LiCoO2-LiPON-Si@O@Al electrochemical system in the temperature range from -20°С to 50°С are presented. A structural model is proposed and the parameters of its elements, providing the best fit for the experimental Nyquist diagrams, are calculated. It is shown that the main contribution to the internal resistance is made by the LiPON-LiCoO2 interface. Based on the temperature dependence of the LiPON solid electrolyte conductivity the activation energy of lithium is determined, which is in good agreement with the literature data.
The results of measuring the resistivity of thin-film structures Ti|Si@O@Al|Ti and Ti|LiCoO2|Ti by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) are presented. It was found that, according to the EIS data, the resistance of Ti|Si@O@Al|Ti is three orders of magnitude higher than the CV data, which is due to the nonohmic nature of the metal-semiconductor junction and the varistor effect. It is shown that the Ti-LiCoO2 contact is ohmic, while the nonlinearity of the CVC is well described by the varistor effect. The results obtained are of importance for the interpretation of the impedance spectra of thin-film solid-state lithium-ion batteries based on semiconductor materials.