The methods of making a collective decision and choosing group matching procedures are analyzed. It is assumed that the methods of evaluation are given in the scales of qualitative order, including the binary relations of alternatives. The analysis of group selection procedures in the management of complex systems is carried out. The necessary preliminary conditions for the construction of mathematical models of group choice in the management of complex systems are systematized. The sequence of solving the problem is to analyze the conditions for the harmonization of the rules of group choice, requirements and serial relations, from the point of view of reasonableness in a group choice, algorithmization of procedures for the coordination of individual opinions. The development of mathematical models of formation of group decisions in different classes of relations is proposed. This pursued the goal of providing the «subtleties» of group choices. As rules of outgoing (basic) rules, rules of the type of majority apply. Repeated appeal to individuals involves clarifying their thoughts on the alternatives included in the group of the best. As a result, majoritarian relations were obtained and their generalizations, which express the general opinion of the whole group of experts. The formalization of interactive procedures for consistently obtaining the group consensus of expert opinions provided that the relations are transitive, including feedback on the convergence of opinions. The selectivity of the choice function is achieved by expanding the structure of the family of solving sets. The result of this formalization is the refinement of expert opinions on the alternatives included in the group of the best, but with a minimum number of votes. This formalization creates the necessary conditions for the processing of results in decision support information systems. Algorithmization of procedures for coordinating individual thoughts in the management of publishing. The proposed algorithm allows to account for the initial opinions of all experts and customers of the publishing house in the form of a profile of individual selection functions. As a result, a sequence of steps has been formed to reconcile individual thoughts in the management of publishing.
This article explains the essence of the agent-based model method that simulates artificial societies to substantiate the thesis on its feasibility and scientific usefulness in lawmaking and law enforcement in Ukraine and research in the legal field. The primary research method used is synthesis, which allows combining components of a complex phenomenon and obtaining synthetic knowledge, which expands previous experience and constructs something new. Moreover, it allows going beyond the existing basis and drawing far-sighted conclusions, forecasting the directions of effective state formation and legal regulation in Ukraine.
СУтніСть та СпоСоби КлаСифіКації Договорів Розглянуто деякі аспекти правового регулювання та з'ясовано окремі теоретико-практичні питання класифікації договорів. Окреслено підходи до встановлення критеріїв класифікації договорів та проблеми застосування способів класифікації договорів. Ключові слова: договір; класифікація договорів; договірне право; способи класифікації договорів; критерії класифікації договорів. Вавженчук С. Я., доктор юридических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры трудового права и права социального обеспечения, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко,