The aim of the work was to compare pathomorphological changes and death mechanisms in cases of cattle deaths with different etiologies dystonia, to determine the causes of death depending on the genesis of the disease and to establish informative criteria for pathomorphological diagnostics.A study of the sheep death as a result of mechanical obstruction and, accordingly, the inability to release the masses from the mesh due to eating a rubber glove. The animal developed chronic bloating, which led to a long-term violation of the motor skills of the preventricle and the formation of phytoconcrements identical in morphology to the feed masses. Studies have found that the normal motor skills violation of the pre-ventricles of ruminants in the vast majority of cases is caused by the human factor. The development of dystonia is often associated with mechanical obstruction, which is a primary nature and is a consequence of flatulence (air stasis), the phytoconcrements formation or the presence of other foreign bodies in the lumen.Pathognomonic signs of the pre-ventricle dystonia are abdominal organs and abdominal muscles anemia, the chest and neck muscles venous hyperemia, compression atelectasis and the diaphragmatic parts of the lungs anemia, the middle and cranial parts of the lungs edema and venous hyperemia.For periodic chronical bloating and the pre-ventricle blockage, mucosal necrosis areas, the phytoconcrements formation, and brown lung induration are characteristic features.The immediate cause of the pre-ventricles dystonia death is asphyxiation, pulmonary edema or paralysis of the respiratory center with venous hyperemia and brain edema, poisoning with the contents of the gastrointestinal canal result. The animal usually dies within the first 12 hours of the onset of the disease.