The number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is known to be an unfixed trait among mammals. This study focused on the relationship between numerical variations of cervical (CER), thoracic (THO), and lumbar (LUM) vertebrae and the total number of vertebrae (TNV) and carcass traits in Jejunative black pigs (JBPs), Landrace pigs, and their intercrossed F2 population. There were no numerical variations in CER vertebrae. On the other hand, the numbers of THO and LUM vertebrae and the TNV varied in all three populations. Of the traits investigated in the three populations, only the means±SE of the LUM vertebrae did not show statistical significance (p>0.05). The carcass weights (CW), meat color (MC), marbling score (MS), backfat thickness (BFT), carcass length (CLE), THO vertebrae, and TNV all showed statistical significance (p<0.05). The JBP had 14-16 THO vertebrae, 5-6 LUM vertebrae, and 27-29 TNV. The Landrace pigs had 15-16 THO vertebrae, 5-7 LUM vertebrae, and 28-29 TNV. The F2 population had 14-17 THO vertebrae, 5-7 LUM vertebrae, and 27-30 TNV. In the F2 population, increased numbers of THO vertebrae and TNV were associated with a significant increase in the CW, CLE, and BFT (p<0.05). In particular, the increase in the TNV was caused by an increase in the number of THO rather than LUM vertebrae. Although the animals with a greater number of THO and TNV had thicker backfat, they had a longer CLE and a heavier CW. Both these traits are economically more important than the level of backfat when determining the productivity level. These results suggest that genetic selection to increase the number of vertebrae, especially in Landrace pigs, JBPs, and their related populations, may be an excellent strategy for improving productivity.