This research explores a silica based highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber of near infrared window; solid silica core photonic crystal fiber is suitable for propagating light towards the near-infrared wavelength region. Full vector finite difference method is used for numerical simulation, by solving the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the split-step Fourier method to show that the design exhibits high nonlinear coefficient, near zero ultra-flattened dispersion, low dispersion slope and very low confinement losses. It is demonstrated that it is possible to generate high power wide supercontinuum spectrum using 2.5 ps input pulses at 1.06 µm, 1.30 µm and 1.55 µm center wavelengths. It is observed that supercontinuum spectrum is broadened from 960 nm to 1890 nm by considering center wavelengths of 1.06 µm, 1.31 µm, and 1.55 µm into silica based index guiding highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. Furthermore, immensely short fiber length of 1 m at center wavelengths of 1.06 µm, 1.31 µm and 1.55 µm is possible using the proposed highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. The generated high power wide supercontinuum spectrum is applicable as a laser light source in near infrared band.