This paper overviews the photochemical reactions of two-component crystals and solid mixtures. It covers mixed crystals, hydrogenbonded cocrystals, donor-acceptor crystals, inclusion crystals, crystalline organic salts (including Lewis acid complexes), and solid mixtures. Solid-state sensitization and quenching and solid-state asymmetric syntheses are also mentioned. Emphasis is placed on the synthetic points. Neither details of reaction mechanisms nor crystal structures are described in most cases. Yoshikatsu Ito SYNTHESIS 2 Biographical Sketch Yoshikatsu Ito was born near Hiroshima City, Japan in 1945. He graduated from Hiroshima University in 1967. After working at a chemical company (Kyoto City) and Ph. D. studies (Kyoto University), he joined the faculty of Hiroshima University and then moved to Columbia University for postdoctoral studies under the supervision of Professor N. J. Turro. He joined the faculty of Kyoto University in 1977 and is still at the same place. His research interests mainly reside in the application of solid state and aqueous media to organic photochemistry. Scheme 72 Scheme 73 Scheme 74 Downloaded by: University of Illinois. Copyrighted material. Scheme 81 Scheme 82 Scheme 84 Scheme 83 Downloaded by: University of Illinois. Copyrighted material.