Active transport of calcium ions has been demonstrated in inside-out membrane vesicles from Mycobacterium phlei mediated by respiratory linked substrates as well as by ATP hydrolysis. The uptake of calcium exhibited an apparent K , of 80 pM and V of 16.6 nmol calcium uptake x min-' x mg protein-'. A fortyfold concentration gradient for calcium ions was calculated for both the ATP-induced and the respiration-induced transport of calcium. Removal of coupling-factor-latent ATPase resulted in the complete loss of ATP-driven Ca2+ transport whereas the respiration-driven uptake was reduced by 40-50 %. The uptake of calcium was inhibited by the proton conducting ionophores carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and Gramicidin-D. The accumulated calcium was freely exchangeable with external calcium and was rapidly released by the addition of inhibitors of energy transduction, proton-translocating uncouplers or the ionophore A231 87. The uptake of the weak base, methylamine, upon the oxidation of respiratory-linked substrates or the hydrolysis of ATP showed the generation of a proton gradient (inside acidic) which was partially collapsed on the addition of calcium ions. These results suggest that a Ca2+/H+ antiport mechanism may be responsible for the transport of calcium.Electron transport particles prepared by the sonication of Mycobacteriurnphlei cells, are capable of oxidation with succinate or NAD+-linked substrates [I] and also exhibit phosphorylation coupled to the substrate oxidation. However, removal of coupling-factor-latent ATPase from the membrane vesicles by washing with 0.25 M sucrose, results in the formation of depleted vesicles which exhibit only substrate oxidation but no coupled phosphorylation [2,3]. The latent ATPase is activated by trypsin treatment and requires the presence of Mg2+ for the expression of its ATPase activity [4,5]. Unlike membrane-bound ATPase from Escherichiu coli [6] and Micrococcus lysodeikiticus [7], the M . phlei latent ATPase did not show any calciumstimulated ATPase activity [4]. Therefore, it was of interest to ascertain whether in spite of this, the membrane vesicles from M . phlei are capable of transportThis paper is dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Dr Fritz Lipmann.Abbreviations and Trivial Names. Membrane vesicles, electron transport particles; depleted vesicles, electron transport particles depleted of coupling-factor-latent ATPase; Hepes, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulfonic acid; ansyl, 8-aninlino-l-naphthalenesulfonic acid; Ph (NMez)2,N,N,N',N'-tetrarnethyl-p- [12]. It was also found desirable to study the mechanism of calcium transport and its effect on oxidative phosphorylation in M . phlei membrane vesicles.The present communication described the properties and characteristics of calcium transport in M . phlei membrane vesicles. It has been demonstrated that the oxidation of the respiratory-linked substrates or the hydrolysis of ATP generate a proton gradient of approximately 2.0 pH units across the membrane (inside acidic) which presumably provides th...