Geoscientists build models of the subsurface to understand properties and processes in the Earth's interior. The models are usually parameterized in some way, so to constrain the models, we must solve a parameter estimation problem. Data are recorded which provide constraints, together with prior knowledge. However, since the physical relationships between parameters and data usually predict data given the parameters (known as the forward calculation) but not the reverse, the solution must be found using inverse theory.Geophysical inverse problems usually have nonunique solutions due to noise in the data, to nonlinearity of the physical relationships between model parameters and data, and to fundamentally unconstrained combinations of parameters. Uncertainties in parameter estimates must therefore be quantified to interpret inversion results correctly. Unfortunately, estimating uncertainty in nonlinear inverse problems can be computationally expensive, and the cost increases both with the number of parameters, and with the computational cost of the forward calculation. In this study, we therefore solve two different types of seismic tomography problems which each have fewer than 100 parameters, and have relatively rapid forward functions (each evaluation takes on the order of seconds). This allows us to evaluate solutions sufficiently accurately to thoroughly test a new method of Geophysical inversion.Geophysical inverse problems are traditionally solved by linearizing (approximating) the nonlinear physics, and using optimization methods which seek a model that minimizes the misfit between observed and predicted data (Aki & Lee, 1976;Dziewonski & Woodhouse, 1987;Iyer & Hirahara, 1993). However, despite their wide applications, linearized procedures cannot produce accurate estimates of uncertainty because data uncertainty distributions can deviate substantially from analytic forms of probability such as Gaussians or Uniform distributions that can be propagated through linearized methods efficiently, and since the distribution of possible models post inversion can be strongly affected by nonlinearity in the physics (Bo-