Let F q be a finite field of order q = p m where p is an odd prime. This paper presents the study of self-dual and LCD double circulant codes over a class of finite commutative non-chain rings R q = F q +uF q +u 2 F q +• • •+u q−1 F q where u q = u. Here, the whole contribution is two-folded. Firstly, we enumerate self-dual and LCD double circulant codes of length 2n over R q , where n is an odd integer. Then by considering a dual-preserving Gray map ϕ, we show that Gray images of such codes are asymptotically good. Secondly, we investigate the algebraic structure of 1-generator quasi-cyclic (QC) codes over R q for q = 3. In that context, we present their generator polynomials along with their minimal generating sets and minimum distance bounds. Here, it is proved that ϕ(C) is an sq-QC code of length nq over F q if C is an s-QC code of length n over R q .