The SSC complex consists of five cascaded accelerators; the linear accelerator (linac) and four synchrotrons: the low energy booster (LEB), the medium energy booster (MEB), the high energy booster (HEB) and the collider. Twelve or twenty-four pulse phase-controlled SCR power supplies are used for energizing the ring magnets. Each power supply has a voltage loop designed to regulate the voltage applied to the magnets. The voltage regulation loops for these synchrotrons and the current regulation for LEB are analyzed in this work. The digital voltage regulator is fiber-optic isolated from the power converter. It has a closed-loop bandwidth of 150 Hz with band rejections for 60 Hz and 120 Hz perturbations. The LEB has a very precise current regulation system composed by a feedforward compensator, a fast feedback regulator and a slow synchronous regulator. The current regulation design is corroborated by computer simulations.