Pr0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films were deposited at different temperatures on [100]-LaAlO3
substrates by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. X-ray diffraction, electron
diffraction, and high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) show that the deposition
temperature influences dramatically the orientation of the films and their microstructure,
within a very short range. The films grown at low temperature are [101]-oriented and exhibit
a columnar growth with well-connected grains. One observes the coexistence of [010]- and
[101]-oriented domains poorly connected platelet-like crystals, for films deposited at high
temperature. The HREM observation of a cross section of the low-temperature thin film
reveals the presence of an interfacial strained layer close to the substrate, allowing a growth
mechanism to be proposed. The magnetic measurements show that the Curie temperature
is independent of the growth temperature. In contrast, the magnetotransport properties
are strongly influenced, due to the different nature of the microstructure and especially to
the role of the grain boundaries that may exhibit a depressed T