Micropropagation of Arnica montana L. using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with N 6 -[2-isopentenyl]adenine (2iP), zeatin and a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in different concentrations does not ensure the formation of a high number of regenerated plants; a maximum of 3.2 neoplantlets per explant were obtained. After 4 wk of culture on medium with zeatin (4.5 mM ) and NAA (5.3 mM ), plants were 3.06 cm in length. The following step was to improve the clonal propagation of this species. Micropropagation of Arnica montana L., initiated from nodal segments using semisolid media (4 g l 21 agar), was obtained. Explants were inoculated on MS medium supplemented with NAA (5.3 mM ), 2iP (5.0 mM ), maize extract (1.0 ml l 21 ), phloroglucinol (0.6 mM ) or adenine sulfate (0.2 mM ). Only 3 wk after the inoculation, plant multiplication as well as induction of roots were obtained, the optimal variant being that containing NAA (5.3 mM ), 2iP (5.0 mM ) and maize extract (1.0 ml l 21 ). Six weeks after the inoculation plants were transferred to Perlite, with 80% plant survival being obtained. By isoesterase pattern we concluded that we have obtained the clonal propagation of Arnica montana, because the pattern of several individuals belonging to different clones was the same. Only one region with esterase activity that is present in all individuals has been identified.