“…Some of the proposed mechanisms by which people with DS are protected from atherosclerosis include decreased or increased levels of some proteins that respectively favor or hinder the process, such as heart‐type fatty acid binding protein (Vianello, Dogliotti, Dozio, & Romanelli, ), brassicasterol (Tansley, Holmes, Lütjohann, Head, & Wellington, ), C‐reactive protein (Goi, Baquero‐Herrera, Licastro, Dogliotti, & Corsi, ), or homocysteine (Licastro et al, ; Pogribna et al, ), among others, some of them modulated through genes present on chromosome 21. - Arterial hypertension: A lower blood pressure in DS population has been consistently reported since pediatric ages (Draheim, Geijer, & Dengel, ; Flygare Wallén, Ljunggren, Carlsson, Pettersson, & Wändell, ; Rodrigues et al, ). The overexpression of cystationine β‐synthase, on chromosome 21, could play a role on this low risk (Wilcock et al, ).
- Dyslipidemia: Although available data remain controversial, dyslipidemia is not uncommon in older adults with DS (Bocconi, Nava, Fogliani, & Nicolini, ; Shireman, Muth, & Toth, ) and may be associated with family history.
- Diabetes Mellitus: Literature reports an increased risk to type 1 diabetes among individuals with DS, while few reports are available regarding type 2 diabetes, appearing to be lower than in the general population (Esbensen, ).
- Smoking: A less frequent smoking habit has been found within subjects with DS than in general population (Sobey et al, ).
- Obesity: A high prevalence of obesity has been found in DS population (Flygare Wallén et al, ; Real De Asua et al, ) with up to 60% of individuals being overweight. Moreover, obesity may suggest an increased propensity to develop type 2 diabetes in DS (Esbensen, ).