Many electronic appliances consume standby power, which as per IEC definition is the equipments' lowest level of power intake while in switched on but idle state. The users of these devices are often unaware of such continuous power drain. Computers, that enable better productivity and accuracy, are in common use today. Personal Computers (PC) need stable power inputs that can deliver rigidly regulated and isolated DC outputs of high power quality at different levels. However, the standby power associated with Personal Computers is substantial. Therefore, the primary objective of the project is to develop a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) that integrates with a battery that is charged by solar energy. The battery provides standby power of the requisite quality to the Pc. Power factor is improved using buck-boost PFC converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode at the front end. A half bridge converter has been used at the output end for achieving high frequency isolation and multiple DC output voltages. Such a configuration is considered a better solution to obtain the power quality needed in situations of varying input and load fluctuations conditions. Simulation of the suggested model implemented in Matlab/Simulink Software has demonstrated improved performance for the proposed Hybrid SMPS.