The structure and dynamics of equilibrium intermediate in the unfolding pathway of the human acidic fibroblast growth factor (hFGF-1) are investigated using a variety of biophysical techniques including multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. 15 N spin relaxation experiments show that many residues located in -strands IX, X, and XI exhibit conformational motions in the micro-to millisecond time scale. Analysis of 15 N relaxation data in conjunction with the amide proton exchange kinetics suggests that residues in the -strands II, VIII, and XII possibly constitute the stability core of the protein in the near-native intermediate state.Understanding the mechanism by which a disordered polypeptide chain folds to a unique three-dimensional structure is one of the major challenges in molecular structural biology (1-4). It is elucidated that folding of moderate size proteins (Ͼ10-kDa) proceeds along well defined intermediates similar to a chemical reaction (5-9). Formation of partially folded intermediate states during the protein-folding process is believed to aid in avoiding search of large conformation space on the energy landscape (10, 11). In addition to their role in protein folding, partially structured intermediates are proposed to be involved in a number of biological processes such as interaction with molecular chaperones, translocation across biological membranes, formation of amyloid, and dissociation of supramolecular complexes (12)(13)(14). Thus, investigation of the structural features of equilibrium folding/unfolding intermediates would not only enhance our understanding of the mechanism of protein folding but is also expected to provide strong clues on the interplay of molecular forces in many natural and disease-related processes.Dynamic information about a protein on different time and length scales is important to gain useful knowledge on the mechanism of the protein folding process (15-17). In addition, investigation of the conformational dynamics in the partially structured state(s) can provide valuable information about the interaction potential energy landscape, which is crucial for understanding protein stability and rationalizing protein design (18). In this context, NMR spectroscopy is an apt technique to probe protein folding landscape, because it provides a unique opportunity to study the conformational dynamics of unfolded, partially folded, and native state(s) at the level of individual amino acids (3, 19 -21). Amide proton exchange kinetics and 15 N-relaxation measurements (using NMR) have been successfully used to probe the structural and dynamic features of partially structured intermediate state(s) of proteins (17,(22)(23)(24)(25).Acidic human fibroblast growth factor (hFGF-1) 1 is a 16-kDa, all -sheet protein, devoid of disulfide bonds. The secondary structural elements in the protein include 12 -strands arranged antiparallel into a -barrel architecture (Fig. 1 (26 -31). hFGF-1 is a potent mitogen and plays crucial roles in important cellular processes such as morphogenesis, develo...