In this review, the authors performed an overview of the literature on early diagnosis, treatment and methods for predicting the outcomes of the disease. According to regional endocrinological dispensaries, for 2020 registered SD for RUZ 277 926., Of these, type 1 type 18178, SD 2 type 259,748 patients. At the same time, the number of patients with DR was 2020 g of 83,632 persons, of which 73690 persons with di type 2. The real number of patients exceeds a registered 10 times, over the past 18 years, the number of patients with a rope in Uzbekistan increased by 2.4 times (according to the Ministry of Health of RUZ). The prevalence of others among patients of the CD is 10-90%, according to some specialists, up to 97-98.5%. For example, the frequency of development dr in India is lower than among Europeans and Americans, and among the black population more frequent than among the white. According to the WHO research group, it was revealed that the highest frequency of DR was detected in Oklahoma (76.4%), Zagreb (73.1%) and Hong Kong (58.1%). The lowest frequency was observed in Tokyo (29.7%). The prevalence of DR in patients in China amounted to 47.4%, and the frequency of DR in Poland was 31.4%.