Nuclear matter and finite nuclei exhibit the property of superfluidity by forming Cooper pairs. We review the microscopic theories and methods that are being employed to understand the basic properties of superfluid nuclear systems, with emphasis on the spatially extended matter encountered in neutron stars, supernova envelopes, and nuclear collisions. Our survey of quantum many-body methods includes techniques that employ Green functions, correlated basis functions, and Monte Carlo sampling of quantum states. With respect to empirical realizations of nucleonic and hadronic superfluids, this review is focused on progress that has been made toward quantitative understanding of their properties at the level of microscopic theories of pairing, with emphasis on the condensates that exist under conditions prevailing in neutron-star interiors. These include singlet S-wave pairing of neutrons in the inner crust, and, in the quantum fluid interior, singlet-S proton pairing and triplet coupled P -F -wave neutron pairing. Additionally, calculations of weak-interaction rates in neutron-star superfluids within the Green function formalism are examined in detail. We close with a discussion of quantum vortex states in nuclear systems and their dynamics in neutron-star superfluid interiors. PACS. 97.60.Jd Neutron stars -21.65.+f Nuclear matter -47.37.+q Hydrodynamic aspects of superfluidity; quantum fluids -67.85.+d Ultracold gases, trapped gases -74.25.Dw Superconductivity phase diagrams Contents arXiv:1802.00017v4 [nucl-th] 26 Sep 2019 emerge in the interaction part of the Hamiltonian when evaluating Eq. (5) in terms of Bogolyubov operators vanish. Such terms would account for fluctuations in the system, but are beyond the scope of the present mean-field treatment. 4 Note that the variation δ(E − µN )/δn p,↑ , with up and vp held constant, yields the quantity Ep, confirming its interpretation. Armen Sedrakian, John W. Clark: Superfluidity in nuclear systems and neutron stars 5