The urgent problem of formation of initial and boundary conditions of mathematical model of emergency localization with the help of a two-level dome-shaped protective device in case of forced thermal destruction of the device of impulse damage of chemical-dangerous substances is solved in the work.
The solution to this problem was based on the hypothesis of the possibility of rapid application of a two-level protective device for the thermal localization of a cell of emergencies related to the impulse lesion of chemically dangerous substances. According to the hypothesis, approaches to the formation of a mathematical apparatus, which consists of a mathematical model of prevention of an emergency of a similar nature, the control algorithm and methods for their practical application, are determined. In order to implement this approach, the paper analyzes the current state of formation of the mathematical apparatus, identifies the existing shortcomings of the existing models. In order to eliminate the latter, the impact of characteristic technical and operational conditions on the effectiveness of localization of emergency situation related to the threat of impulse emission of chemical hazardous substances was analyzed. In the course of the research it was proved that the formation of recommendations for reducing the time of localization of the consequences of emergencies related to the threat of impulse release of chemical-dangerous substances by means of a two-level protective device requires obtaining a multifactor mathematical model of emergency prevention taking into account its initial and boundary conditions. The final step was to determine the initial and boundary conditions of a multifactor mathematical model that describes the behavior of the emergency prevention process.
Based on this, further research should be aimed at developing a mathematical model of emergency prevention related to the threat of impulse release of chemical-dangerous substances and appropriate methodology based on it, which will reduce the time of localization of the consequences of an emergency without changing the level of safety of civilians and personal the composition of the emergency rescue unit with the help of a mobile protective device.
Keywords: thermal destruction, emergency, chemical hazardous substances, protective device