Using X-ray diffraction study of acetylbenzimidazole 2-acetylbenzimidazole 1'-phthalazinylhydrazone we confirmed that this compounds exists as the phthalazonehydrazone tautomer, as was suggested earlier on the basis of IR and NMR spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations.In [1] we have published the results of physicochemical and theoretical studies on the structure and complexing ability of the 2-acetylbenzimidazole 1'-phthalazinylhydrazone (I). On the basis of IR and NMR spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations in nonempirical approximation within the density functional theory (DFT) framework we suggested that the compound existed predominantly as the phthalazonehydrazone tautomer [2,3]. In this report, in addition to the previously published data, we present the results of X-ray diffraction study of the 2-acetylbenzimidazole 1'-phthalazinylhydrazone.A single crystals for the X-ray diffraction analysis was obtained by slow cooling of a solution of I in DMSO. Its structure includes water and DMSO molecules. Yellow prisms (M = 398.49) are monoclinic at 120 K, a = 13.1046(15) Å, b = 14.2812(17) Å, c = 10.8040(13) Å, β = 103.202(3)°, V = 1968.5(4 ) Å 3 , space group P2 1 /c, Z = 4, ρ calc = 1,345 g cm -3 . The intensities of 7930 reflections were measured on a Bruker SMART 1000 CCD diffractometer [λ(MoK a ) = 0.71073 Å, graphite monochromator, ω-scan, 2θ < 52º] from a single crystal sample of the size 0.24×0.21×0.14 mm 3 . Processing of the source array of measured intensities was performed with the SAINT [4] and SADABS [5] programs. The structure was solved by the direct method and refined in a fullmatrix anisotropic approximation for nonhydrogen atoms with respect to F 2 hkl . The hydrogen atoms were placed in geometrically calculated positions and refined using a rider model [U iso (H) = nU eq (C), where n = 1.5 for carbon atoms of methyl groups, n = 1.2 for the other C atoms]. In the refinement 3844 independent reflections were used (R int = 0.0438). The convergence of the refinement of all independent reflections wR 2 = 0.0661 (R 1 = 0.0379). All calculations were performed using the software package SHELXL-97 [6]. The atomic coordinates and temperature factors are deposited in the Cambridge Structural Database (CCDC 804712).The crystal structure besides the molecules I includes water and DMSO molecules in equimolar ratio. The molecule of compound I is close to planar. The hydrazone is in the phthalazone tautomeric form. The conformation of the molecule corresponds to the structure Ib given in [1], which, according to calculations, is only by 0.45 kcal mol -1 less stable than the most stable conformation corresponding to the 180° rotation about the C 9 -N 4 bond [1]. The stabilization of this conformation in the crystal is due to the formation of the strong hydrogen bonds between hydrogen atoms H 5 and H 2 and the oxygen atom of the water molecule O 1W (characteristics of the hydrogen bonds are listed in the table). The hydrogen atoms of POPOV et al. 466 water molecules H 1W and H 2W , in turn, ...