This study aimed to characterize the physical properties of aerosols on the north and west-central Brazil. These regions are strongly impacted by seasonality of physical and chemical properties of aerosols, due mainly to the high levels of biomass burning during the dry season. The analysis was performed on four sites in the network AERONET, two in the Amazon biome and two in the savanna (locally known as Cerrado) in order to verify the possible difference between the properties of aerosols from the burning of forest and pasture in the Brazilian Cerrado. We used data from a u-level 1.5 from January 2000 to July 2015.There was a seasonal variation on the depth perspective of aerosols in the range of 675 nm (AOD 675 nm) on all sites examined, with the peaks reached in the dry season due the great contribution of particles from biomass burning. The values of single scattering albedo in the range of 675 nm (SSA 675 nm) showed little variation, including between wet and dry seasons. It was noted that the values of SSA for the regions located in the Cerrado biome were slightly smaller than the values obtained for the depots located in the Amazon biome. The contributions of particulate matter from biomass burning during the dry season about the Amazon region substantially increase the properties of scattering of radiation in the atmosphere. About Cuiabá and Campo Grande (Cerrado) it was noted that in the wet season there is predominance of urban emissions and dust from the ground and in the dry season particles of biomass burning. However, for the dry season it was verified that the particulate material on these regions is more fuel than the aerosols present in the regions of the Amazon biome.Keyword: Aerosol optical depth. Single scattering albedo. Matrix of Angstrom.Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as propriedades físicas dos aerossóis no norte e centrooeste do Brasil. Estas regiões são fortemente impactadas pela sazonalidade das propriedades físicas e químicas dos aerossóis, devido principalmente aos altos níveis de queima de biomassa durante a estação seca. A análise foi realizada em quatro sites da rede AERONET, dois no bioma amazônico e dois na savana (conhecida localmente como cerrado) para verificar a possível diferença entre as propriedades dos aerossóis da queima de floresta e pastagem no cerrado brasileiro. Foram utilizados dados de nível 1.5 de janeiro de 2000 a julho de 2015. Houve variação sazonal da profundidade ótica de aerossóis na faixa de 675 nm (AOD 675 nm) em todos os locais estudados, com os picos alcançados na estação seca devido à grande 1 Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT. Emails: (,,,,