Two species of Pseudomonas capable of utilizing nitroglycerin (NG) as a sole nitrogen source were isolated from NG-contaminated soil and identified as Pseudomonas putida II-B and P. fluorescens I-C. While 9 of 13 laboratory bacterial strains that presumably had no previous exposure to NG could degrade low concentrations of NG (0.44 mM), the natural isolates tolerated concentrations of NG that were toxic to the lab strains (1.76 mM and higher). Whole-cell studies revealed that the two natural isolates produced different mixtures of the isomers of dinitroglycerol (DNG) and mononitroglycerol (MNG). A monomeric, flavin mononucleotide-containing NG reductase was purified from each natural isolate. These enzymes catalyzed the NADPH-dependent denitration of NG, yielding nitrite. Apparent kinetic constants were determined for both reductases. The P. putida enzyme had a K m for NG of 52 ؎ 4 M, a K m for NADPH of 28 ؎ 2 M, and a V max of 124 ؎ 6 M ⅐ min ؊1 , while the P. fluorescens enzyme had a K m for NG of 110 ؎ 10 M, a K m for NADPH of 5 ؎ 1 M, and a V max of 110 ؎ 11 M ⅐ min ؊1 . Anaerobic titration experiments confirmed the stoichiometry of NADPH consumption, changes in flavin oxidation state, and multiple steps of nitrite removal from NG. The products formed during time-dependent denitration reactions were consistent with a single enzyme being responsible for the in vivo product distributions. Simulation of the product formation kinetics by numerical integration showed that the P. putida enzyme produced an Ϸ2-fold molar excess of 1,2-DNG relative to 1,3-DNG. This result could be fortuitous or could possibly be consistent with a random removal of the first nitro group from either the terminal (C-1 and C-3) positions or middle (C-2) position. However, during the denitration of 1,2-DNG, a 1.3-fold selectivity for the C-1 nitro group was determined. Comparable simulations of the product distributions from the P. fluorescens enzyme showed that NG was denitrated with a 4.6-fold selectivity for the C-2 position. Furthermore, a 2.4-fold selectivity for removal of the nitro group from the C-2 position of 1,2-DNG was also determined. The MNG isomers were not effectively denitrated by either purified enzyme, which suggests a reason why NG could not be used as a sole carbon source by the isolated organisms.Nitroglycerin (NG, glycerol trinitrate) is an aliphatic nitrate ester-containing compound that is an important component of dynamite and other propellants (36,42). In addition, nitrosubstituted compounds, including nitroaromatics, are used as explosives, agricultural chemicals, and dyes (18, 32, 39). Consequently, compounds containing nitro functional groups have become widely distributed in the environment. Since naturally occurring nitro functional groups are rare (18, 32), the molecules containing these groups have typically been classified as xenobiotics. Consistent with this classification, a number of early studies of the environmental fate of NG revealed toxicity to algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates (42) and furth...