Abstract. Analyzing the most recent historical oeuvres and theses dating back to the 17th-18th centuries, we reconstruct the fundamentals of degree awarding practices used in German universities of the Early Modern Period to understand whether they are comparable to present-day degree fraud practices. We investigate the academic degree concepts accepted in pre-Modern Europe, explore master's and doctoral theses of the 17th-18th centuries, discuss the problem of their authorship, trace back changes in the defense procedure, as well as the historical and cultural factors which advanced the development of modern doctoral degree. As long as social, cultural, and intellectual transformations that prompted the emergence of the modern academic degree had been completed only by the beginning of the 19th century, we consider it unreasonable to apply the existing scientific and ethical criteria to the degree awarding practices of an earlier era. This does not mean that fake degrees were a rare case or did not exist at all in Early Modern Europe -fraud was just understood in a very different way back then. Keywords: history of education, history of science, history of universities, culture of the Early Modern Period, academic degrees, defense procedure.