Optinlum conditions for obtaining arylall;yl ethers from the reactions of aryl-lithium or -magnesium cornpot~nds with dialkyl peroxides have been investigated. The reactions arc considered to take place by ionic or four-center mechanis~ns.Gil~nan and Adams (I) found that, while di-(triphenylmethyl) peroxide is inert to phenylinagnesiulll bromide, diethyl peroxide reacts with it to give a 34% yield of phenetole. Di-t-butyl peroxide does not react with this Grignard reagent (2), even a t 80' (3), but reacts a t ordinary temperatures with the less-hindered Grignard reagents derived from primary and secondary bromides to give low yields of t-butyl ethers.Because of the possible usefulness of this method for synthesizing certain otherwise inaccessible ethers, we have studied the reactions of four dialkyl peroxides with phenyllithium and the pheilyl Grignard reagent (Table I), as well as the reactioil of dirnethyl peroxide with some other organo-lithiunl and -1nagnesiunl coinpounds (