Figure 1: Registering a projector precisely to a hardcopy allows extending contrast, perceivable tonal resolution and color space beyond the capabilities of either hardcopy or projector. From left to right: experimental setup and example for achieved registration precision (projected checker on printed checker with a field size of 0.62 mm -or 7 cycles per degree (cpd) at 50 cm viewing distance), low and high exposure photographs of different hardcopies (ePaper display, photographic print, laser print and X-ray print) amplified with LED and DLP projectors.
AbstractWe present a simple and cost-efficient way of extending contrast, perceived tonal resolution, and the color space of static hardcopy images, beyond the capabilities of hardcopy devices or low-dynamic range displays alone. A calibrated projector-camera system is applied for automatic registration, scanning and superimposition of hardcopies. We explain how high-dynamic range content can be split for linear devices with different capabilities, how luminance quantization can be optimized with respect to the non-linear response of the human visual system as well as for the discrete nature of the applied modulation devices; and how inverse tone-mapping can be adapted in case only untreated hardcopies and softcopies (such as regular photographs) are available. We believe that our approach has the potential to complement hardcopy-based technologies, such as X-ray prints for filmless imaging, in domains that operate with high quality static image content, like radiology and other medical fields, or astronomy.