Previous studies in Gondang Subdistricthave identified underground mud reservoirnear a rock intrusion, while another study near Gondang Subdistrict has identified deep fault structures. This study will identify the distribution and characteristics of possible geological features in the area using magnetotelluric (MT) method to further describe the relationship between the geological features related to local geology. MT data measurements were conducted on 7 stations alonga north-south line, then modelled in 2D using nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm. The model was used to describe the subsurface resistivity distribution and to identify the geological features. The results show 5 resistive zones (20–1250 Ω⋅m) and 4 conductive zones (≤10 Ω⋅m). The former consist of 4 vertical zones, 1 vertical zone deeper than 5 km, and 1 horizontal zone near the surface. 2 conductive zones surround a resistive zone, while 2 others stretch below the horizontal resistive zone. The vertical resistive zones are interpreted as andesite intrusions, and the horizontal one as volcanic breccia. The conductive zones are interpreted consisting of tuff and marl with possible saline water content. 3 vertical intrusions are thought to have the same source, and all vertical intrusions are suspected to co-occurr with the Pandan Volcano intrusion.