-CONTEXT: Pharmacotherapy which means use of drugs for prevention and treatment of diseases is a major branch of therapeutics. Cataract, particularly in the age group of 40-75 years is fairly common.Many potent drugs like Glucocorticoids, Antimicrobials etc. are used in the management of cataract. Antimicrobials use has led to a big concern amongst clinicians as many consider it to be unnecessary, inappropriate and downright dangerous.Recently increased attention has been diverted to rational prescribing and drug utilisation studies play a major role in this regard. These studies not only detect flaws in the therapy, but also help to find out solution to rectify the same.Anti-microbials are prescribed for almost all cases posted for Intra Ocular Lens Implantation Surgery. Hence the present prospective observational study was undertaken with respect to the use of anti-microbials (both prophylactic and post-operative) in Ophthalmology practice. Page 4853 RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Our study found that Moxifloxacin is the most frequently prescribed anti-microbial pre-operatively for IOL implantation. Also, Moxifloxacin is the most frequently prescribed anti-microbial post-operatively for IOL implantation.Overall Moxifloxacin is currently the most frequently prescribed anti-microbial for both pre and post-operative use in IOL implantation surgery.