Previously, we characterized two host protein binding elements located within the 3-terminal 166 nucleotides of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) genome and assessed their functions in defective-interfering (DI) RNA replication. To determine the role of RNA secondary structures within these two host protein binding elements in viral replication, we explored the secondary structure of the 3-terminal 166 nucleotides of the MHV strain JHM genome using limited RNase digestion assays. Our data indicate that multiple stem-loop and hairpin-loop structures exist within this region. Mutant and wild-type DIssEs were employed to test the function of secondary structure elements in DI RNA replication. Three stem structures were chosen as targets for the introduction of transversion mutations designed to destroy base pairing structures. Coronaviruses are single-stranded, message sense, nonsegmented RNA viruses (16, 18). They are widespread pathogens infecting humans and a variety of animals (26). Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), the most extensively studied coronavirus, possesses all of the common coronavirus characteristics (31). MHV replicates entirely in the cytoplasm (33) and causes a broad spectrum of diseases in mice (2, 17). During MHV infection, the 32-kb genomic RNA functions as an mRNA. Seven or eight different-size mRNAs are generated (18,29,32), which make up a 3Ј-coterminal nested set (15, 18). Studies of MHV mRNAs have demonstrated another unique feature. They all contain 70-to 80-nucleotide (nt) leader sequences at their 5Ј termini (14, 28). The 5Ј leader sequence is derived from the 5Ј terminus of the genomic RNA (14).Elucidating how mRNA is synthesized is crucial for determining MHV replication strategies. Reverse-genetic approaches to study MHV replication have been limited to date because MHV's large genome size has prevented the construction of a full-length infectious clone. Over the past decade, defective-interfering (DI) RNAs derived from MHV genomic RNA have been utilized to study the sequence and structural requirements for RNA replication with the help of wild-type virus (5,12,19,22). At least 474 nt from the 5Ј terminus of genomic RNA and 436 nt from the 3Ј terminus as well as 57 nt from an internal region of genomic RNA are required for DI RNA replication (11). Later studies found that only the last 55 nt at the 3Ј end plus a poly(A) tail are required for negativestrand RNA synthesis (20). Since 436 nt at the 3Ј terminus are a necessary cis-acting signal for RNA replication (12,19), it is reasonable that a much longer 3Ј-terminal nucleotide sequence is required for positive-strand RNA synthesis.Our laboratory has been focusing on precisely identifying and characterizing cis-acting sequences at the 3Ј terminus of the MHV genome that interact with host proteins and that function in MHV replication. In earlier studies we used RNase T 1 protection/gel mobility shift electrophoresis assays to identify two host protein binding elements (21,37). One protein binding element, the 3Ј(ϩ)42 element, is made up of t...