IT has recently been reported [4] that sulfhydryl groups in wool fibers may be detected and estimated by means of a formamide solution of Bennett's color reagent, 1-(4-chloromercuriphenylazo ) -naphthol-2 [ 1,15,16] . Further experiments have now shown that the acidity and water content of the formamide are important in determining the rate and extent of penetration of this reagent into the fiber, and that the values reported earlier are therefore too low. This communication gives directions for increasing the reliability of the method for use on intact fibers and describes the standardization of the reagent on known sulfhydryl compounds. A subsequent communication will describe how the method can be shortened by using supercontracted and pulverized wool. A brief outline of the methods, without experimental details, has already been given [5].
WoolThe wool samples used, which unless otherwise stated, were from the root ends of one good quality South African merino fleece (from sheep B51.3), were purified by Soxhlet-extraction for 24 hr. with hexane, then for 12 hr. with ethyl alcohol, followed by soaking for 24 hr. in frequently changed distilled water.