High-power ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiations from monohalides of noble gases are currently widely used in the technologies of microelectronics, photochemistry, and ecology, and in agriculture and medicine [1][2][3]. Eximer-halogen lamps pumped by a dc-current glow discharge [4][5][6][7] are the most powerful and efficient stationary sources of spontaneous UV-VUV radiation. The main focus in the development of such lamps is studying the characteristics of mixtures of noble gases with fluorine-and chlorine-containing molecules. Since such gaseous mixtures are highly corrosive, the service life of these radiation sources in the gas-static mode is 1-100 h.Studies of a UV lamp operating on mixtures of noble gases with less corrosive halogen carriers (iodine molecules [8]) showed that the service life of a continuously operating lamp is as long as 1000 h at high values of the mean power and the emission efficiency. The operation of such a UV radiator was optimized only at an iodine atom resonance line of 206.2 nm. Studies of the emission characteristics of a glow discharge in Xe/I 2 and He/Xe/I 2 mixtures at a power of ≤ 100 W deposited into the plasma [9][10][11] showed that, apart from atomic iodine emission, the broadband emission of XeI( B -X ) (253 nm) and XeI( B -X ) (342 nm) molecules is also important: the fraction of molecular emission from the glow discharge plasma on iodine vapors can be as high as approximately half the total UV radiation of the lamp.This work presents the results from developing and optimizing the output characteristic of a high-power, low-pressure electric discharge lamp operating in a continuous emission mode on a mixture of helium with iodine vapors.A longitudinal glow discharge was formed in a discharge tube 1.4 cm in diameter made of UV-brand quartz, transparent to wavelengths of <190 nm. The interelectrode distance was 50 cm. Hollow nickel cylinders 1.4 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm in length served as the lamp electrodes. High-purity crystalline iodine was placed in a special branch behind the lamp anode (Fig. 1).The emission characteristics of the lamp were measured using a îùì-106 photomultiplier (PMT) and an åÑê-2 monochromator (a diffraction grating with 1200 groves/mm and a holographic diffraction grating with 2400 groves/mm). The PMT and monochromator were preliminarily calibrated using the relative spectral sensitivity in the spectral range 190-400 nm.A glow discharge was initiated in the lamp using a high-voltage rectifier (with a mean current of ≤ 80 mA and a voltage of ≤ 10 kV). Before being filled with helium, the quartz tube was evacuated to a residual pressure of 5-7 Pa. The lamp was cooled with a fan so that the temperature of the iodine-filled branch was close to room temperature and, at the maximum energy deposition into the glow discharge, exceeded it by ≥ 10-15°ë . The iodine vapor pressure in the discharge tube was estimated by the temperature of its coldest part and was no higher than . The characteristics of the glow discharge and the total po...