The "moving puncture" technique has led to dramatic advancements in the numerical simulations of binary black holes. Hannam have recently demonstrated that, for suitable gauge conditions commonly employed in moving puncture simulations, the evolution of a single black hole leads to a well-known time-independent, maximal slicing of Schwarzschild. They construct the corresponding solution in isotropic coordinates numerically and demonstrate its usefulness, for example for testing and calibrating numerical codes that employ moving puncture techniques. In this Brief Report we point out that this solution can also be constructed analytically, making it even more useful as a test case for numerical codes.
PACS numbers:Numerical relativity simulations of binary black holes have recently achieved a remarkable break-through. Since Pretorius's initial announcement of a successful simulation of binary black hole coalescence and merger [1], several groups have reported similar success (e.g. [2,3,4,5,6,7]). Of these, [1,6] adopt a "generalized harmonic" formulation of general relativity [9,10] and eliminate the black hole singularity from the numerical grid with the help of "black hole excision". All the other groups adopt the BSSN formulation of the ADM equations [11,12] together with a "moving puncture" method to handle singularities.The idea of the original puncture method was to factor out from the spatial metric (or more specifically from the conformal factor) an analytic term that represents the singular terms at a black hole singularity, and treat only the remaining regular terms numerically. This approach is very successful for the construction of initial data (e.g. [13]), but did not achieve long-term stable evolutions in dynamical simulations (e.g. [14,15]). The problem may be associated with the need for a coordinate system that leaves the puncture -and hence the black hole singularity -at a pre-described location in the numerical grid, given by the singularity in the analytical function. The break-through in the recent dynamical puncture simulations is based on the idea of using a "moving" puncture in which no singular term is factored out. Care is taken that the singularity never hits a gridpoint in the numerical grid, but otherwise the puncture is allowed to move around freely. With a set of suitable coordinate conditions, found empirically, this prescription leads to remarkably stable evolutions. Clearly, this raises the question how it can be that the presence of singularities does not spoil the numerical calculation. This issue has been clarified recently by Hannam [16,17].For a single black hole, a moving puncture simulation starts out with a slice of constant Schwarzschild time expressed in isotropic coordinates. These coordinates do * Also at Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il 61801 not penetrate the black hole interior, and instead cover two copies of the black hole exterior, corresponding to two sheets of asymptotically flat "universes", connected by an Einstein-Rose...