Purpose: To assess three-dimensional measurement accuracy of articular cartilage (AC) and subchondral bone (SB) thickness from MRI.
Materials and Methods:A computer program was used to calculate AC and SB thickness from MRI (three-dimensional spoiled gradient echo (SPGR), .31-mm resolution, 1-mm slice thickness) of six adult femoral heads. Specimens were imaged in five anatomical planes ranging between ϩ30°to -30°from neutral and cut into 2-mm thick sections along the five anatomical planes. Faxitron x-ray was used to produce microradiographic (.05-mm resolution) images of the sections.
Results:In-plane measurement accuracy was .165 Ϯ .108 mm for AC thickness and .387 Ϯ .174 mm for SB thickness. Taking into account chemical-shift misregistration in SB thickness, accuracy of measurements improved to .213 Ϯ 128 mm. Out-of-plane (three-dimensional) thickness accuracy of the model, assessed by numerical simulation, was .015 mm. However, three-dimensional thickness errors in specimens were .319 Ϯ .256 mm for AC and .253 Ϯ .183 mm for SB thickness.
Conclusion:Errors in three-dimensional AC thickness were attributed to volume-averaging effects caused by oblique intersection of the image plane with the joint surface. Errors in three-dimensional SB thickness were attributed to chemical-shift artifact. We conclude that accuracy of AC thickness is within clinically acceptable standards but that more sophisticated pulse sequences are needed to improve the measurement of SB thickness. MRI OFFERS A NONINVASIVE APPROACH to visualize and quantify the internal derangement of joint structures. Rheumatologic diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA) or post traumatic articular injuries, can result in changes to the morphology of the articular cartilage (AC) and its underlying subchondral bone (SB). Detecting and monitoring changes in tissue morphology can play a critical roll in the management of patients with disease and/or injury to the articular tissues. MRI has shown great potential for this purpose.Early investigations of AC thickness measurement from MRI were generally performed on planar images, ignoring the effects of out-of-plane curvature (1-7). Neglecting out-of-plane curvature of the joint surfaces can lead to errors greater than 20% with moderately curved surfaces (8) and as high as 50% with strongly curved surfaces (9). Because longitudinal examinations cannot be easily controlled to ensure the image plane intersects the joint perpendicular to the surface, and at precisely the same location during each examination, these out-of-plane errors in thickness may lead to erroneous clinical assessments. Several investigators have developed postprocessing techniques that generate spatial thickness maps of AC, correcting for out-ofplane thickness overestimation (9 -14). However, none of these spatial mapping techniques has been rigorously validated for AC and SB.Losch et al (11) proposed a pixel-based "minimal distance algorithm" that finds the distance between each AC surface pixel and the closest AC/SB interface pixel. Haubner ...