Biofabrication of personalised anatomical models and tools for the clinic Biofabrication is a rapidly growing research field encompassing imaging, modelling, and printing technologies to produce personalised medical devices for patient anatomies [1,2]. Current cystic fibrosis (CF) treatment personalises physiotherapy and medications based on patient symptoms, genotype, and lifestyle [3]. Biofabrication could further individualise these treatments to CF's unique anatomical presentations, conveniently captured during routine medical imaging. For example, digital biofabrication models may prove useful to simulate and plan treatments, such as calculating dose and delivery of aerosol medications needed to reach the targeted airways. Physical models or personalised therapeutic devices can be rapidly printed into three-dimensional (3D) forms from a diverse array of materials and printing technologies to be leveraged for clinical diagnosis, planning, education, training, and treatment.As the clinical adoption of biofabrication technologies grows, with 3D printing available in 3% of hospitals worldwide in 2017 [4], a concise reference of useful 3D imaging, modelling, and printing technologies will encourage clinical translation. In Table 1, we present a brief biofabrication reference of currently available clinical imaging methods used for patients with CF [5], image modelling software tools used for anatomical reconstruction, analysis, and simulation, and several printing technologies that may be useful for CF anatomical models and medical devices [1,2]. Of specific interest to educational and training models are instrument resolution and cost. Additional enhancements include capturing images at appropriate contrast and the use of multi-material printers that can differentiate various tissue structures in final products. Biofabrication technologies can be used in clinical care as they are able to print biocompatible polymers, ceramics, and metals, as well as extracellular matrix and cells towards providing customised implants within the operating theatre. As a case study, Royal Perth Hospital expanded a popular rapid prototyping service into a medical engineering and physics unit, providing a 5-employee referral service for local and remote clinicians interested in bespoke anatomical models and surgical guides [6], as well as acellular implants [7] and cellularised grafts [8].In this issue of Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Mirza et al have published a 3D printed CF lung model as a tool for patient and clinician education and to train particularly difficult CF bronchoscopies [9]. The lung was initially imaged using low radiation dose computerised tomography with intravenous contrast in full inspiration, these DICOM images were modelled by translation into standard tessellation language files suitable for 3D reconstruction and identification of pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, airways, and lung parenchyma separately. Finally, this 3D digital model was printed using a Stratasys J750, a full-colour 3D printer able to differ...