is a phase tuning section between the DFBs. SP operation occurs when adjacent dual modes oscillate simultaneously at both the long-wavelength-side (LW) edge of the short-wavelength-side (SW) OFB stopband and the SW edge of the LW OFB stopband. Two OFB sections can be roughly interpreted to consist of a compound cavity with one DFB section acting as a distributed mirror for a lasing mode of another DFB section.
Simulations of SP-DFB LOsLasing condition analyses were performed by temporal evolution simulation [6]. The electromagnetic fields and the carrier densities were calculated for each divided LD section, and lasing spectrum, reflection spectra and reflection phases of both DFBs were calculated from the data. Figure 2(a) shows a mirror loss spectrum of the total cavity estimated from the calculated reflectivity spectra of both OFBs, which indicate small gains. The mirror loss was maintained at a similar value of --50 cm-1 over a relatively wide range from 1549.8 to 1550.4 nm, around the LW stopband edge of the SW-OFB and the SW edge of the LW OFB. Figure 2(c) shows the calculated optical spectrum. Figure 2(b) shows the round-trip reflection phase spectrum obtained from the sum of reflection phases of SW-and LW-DFBs. Phase shift due to the phase tuning section is also denoted by a dotted line. Cross points of these data are thought to indicate phase matching conditions. As denoted by vertical broken lines, lasing wavelengths coincided well with cross point positions. Calculated mirror loss indicated almost the same value in the lasing modes shown as a solid square and an open circle. This feature is consistent with the similar intensities of the dual lasing modes shown in Fig. 2(c). This was attributed to the compound-cavity nature of SP operation. Ẽ (a) fI) 0 fI) ..2 t:: 5 ·50 I~Ĩ It (b) r")" l~········ V!, . iii ! ĩ 10