Almost all gas-treating plants for removal of acidic impurities in Russian oil-and gas refineries have been operated for a period longer than their design service life. Their working media simultaneously contain passivators (30 to 40% solutions of alkanolamines) and activators (H 2 S up to 0.44 mol/mol of the absorbent and CO 2 up to 0.2 mol/mol of the absorbent). Carbon-steel equipment of such plants is actively attacked by pitting. For instance, during those periods of operation when a new type of the absorbent was put into service, pit growth rate on gas-scrubbing plants for removal of acidic impurities at the Astrakhan gas refinery sometimes exceeded 1 mm/yr. Pits were especially deep (sometimes as deep as the rejection line) in high-pressure separators near the inlet unions for a saturated solution of the absorbent; the unions themselves broke down as well ( T = 93 ° C, p = 17 atm). Deep pitting attacked the inlet unions for a solution of the absorbent supplied from the reboiler's desorber ( T = 127 ° C, p = 1.4 atm). The general corrosion rate of the lower part of the absorber ( T = 110 ° C, p = 65 atm) and the outlet union for a saturated solution of the absorbent itself was 1.0 mm/yr [1,2]. Separators corroded so strongly that were replaced. However, replacement of such large apparatuses as an absorber or a desorber is too complicated and expensive. In addition, the main part of their casings did not corrode significantly. Corrosion attacked only their parts in contact with a saturated solution of the absorbent (lower bottom and especially lower union).In similar cases, plant workers often use such an unauthorized method for unions repair as welding of a 12ï18ç10í steel sleeves from inside. As for the bottom, the corroded area was decided to undergo overlaing welding with a corrosion-resistant austenitic nickel alloy. Such surfacing materials are widely used to restore the damaged surface. The technology of their application is well developed. They are highly adhesive and durable. It is believed that since a damaged area that needs overlaying is substantially thinner than the adjacent intact area, the non-repaired surface will not be attacked by contact corrosion.At the same time, some anxiety precludes a specialist to approve the repair methods proposed by representatives of the plants without respective investigations.(1) Main working media of gas-scrubbing plants for removal of acidic impurities can cause not only pitting but also corrosion cracking. At plants under consideration, corrosion cracking was only slight or was not detected at all, because all the casing equipment manufactured under industrial conditions is thermally treated according to stringent relevant regulations [1, 2]. Surfacing materials corresponding in chemical composition to the nickel-based powders most commonly used for repair are usually highly resistant to corrosion cracking in both alkali solutions and moist hydrogen sulfide. However, the behavior of thus surfaced carbon steel is unpredictable.(2) The surface state of the ove...