Selenium atoms have been introduced into Chromatium vinosum high-potential ironsulfur protein (HiPIP) in place of inorganic sulfur at the [4Fe-4S] active site. The substitution induces a decrease of the redox potential by ca. 65 mV (from 350 to 285 mV vs N H E , 25 O C , p H 7.8) and results in changes of the optical and EPR spectra. Compared to the corresponding properties of native HiPIP, some of the charge-transfer transitions of the S e derivative shift to lower energies, and the almost axial S = EPR signal occurs at lower field with a larger anisotropy. As in the case of clostridial ferredoxins, the resonance Raman spectra of reduced HiPIP are very sensitive to S*/Se substitution. The bridging stretching modes of the inorganic core shift to lower frequencies upon replacement of S* by S e as expected, but the local D2d symmetry assumed by the active site remains. The availability of the Se derivative has further allowed us to define the vibrational properties of the oxidized cluster. The bridging modes are only marginally affected by electron removal, and thus, the relevant symmetry point group for the inorganic core is the same as at the reduced level (DZd). In contrast, the Fe-Scys stretching modes occur a t higher frequencies with larger splittings, implying that the major effect of oxidation is to strengthen and distort the Fe-Scys bonds. These data strongly suggest that one or two of the latter bonds play a crucial role in the electron exchange reaction between the active site and the redox partners of HiPIP.