A symmetric WDM PON architecture using an innovative overlapped-SCM scheme that maximizes the spectrum usage of a bandwidth-limited RSOA is demonstrated. In addition, burst mode receivers for this application are discussed. OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (060.4250) Networks 1. Introduction Passive optical networks (PONs) are recognized as an economic solution to alleviate the bandwidth bottleneck in access networks by deploying fiber-to-the-home. Reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA)-based colorless optical network unit (ONU) transmitters have been widely used in wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) passive optical networks (PONs) [1,2]. Recently, subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) has been proposed for single-feeder (single-wavelength) PONs to mitigate the effect of Rayleigh backscattering [3-5]. In addition to transmission challenges, chip sets for PONs must manage upstream data paths because the network is point-tomultipoint. Using time-division multiple access, multiple ONUs transmit data to the optical line terminal (OLT) in the central office. Due to optical path differences, packets can vary in amplitude and phase to create bursty data. Consequently, this necessitates burst-mode receivers (BMRx) at the OLT. The BMRx front-end is responsible for amplitude recovery, whereas clock and data recovery (CDR) together with fast phase acquisition is performed by a burst-mode CDR (BM-CDR) circuit. 2. Subcarrier Multiplexed WDM PONs Here we introduce an innovative overlapped subcarrier multiplexing (O-SCM) technique that allows a certain overlap between uplink and downlink frequency spectra that permits higher symmetrical bit rates compared to conventional SCM techniques by efficiently utilizing the RSOA bandwidth [6]. The architecture of the O-SCM WDM PON shown in Fig. 1 employs existing infrastructure constraints to reduce potential deployment costs with a single feeder connecting the OLT to an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG)-based remote node (RN). Full duplex communication is achieved over the same feeder at the same wavelength using the proposed O-SCM technique. The downlink is kept at baseband, whereas the uplink is up-converted to an RF subcarrier using the proposed O-SCM. At the ONU side, a fraction of the downlink power is passed to a p-in photodiode for detection, and the remaining part seeds a gain saturated RSOA for proper re-modulation to be able to hide the downlink modulation within that of the uplink. For this reason, the extinction ratio (ER) of the uplink is also set higher than that of the downlink [2]. As the RSOA is more saturated, the downlink modulation is highly suppressed allowing a 100% O-SCM where the subcarrier frequency f sc is equal to the bit rate. Therefore, the splitting ratio of the ONU 1×2 coupler is carefully selected to maximize the power efficiency of the system (to guarantee that the RSOA is saturated and to have enough power for downlink detection). Selecting the proper ER for both uplink and downlink, and ensuring that the RSOA is deeply saturated,...