Aggression, which comprises multi-faceted traits ranging from negative emotionality to antisocial behaviour, is influenced by an interaction of biological, psychological and social variables. Failure in social adjustment, aggressiveness and violence represent the most detrimental long-term outcome of neurodevelopmental disorders. With the exception of brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (Tph2), which generates serotonin (5-HT) in raphe neurons, the contribution of gene variation to aggression-related behaviour in genetically modified mouse models has been previously appraised (Lesch 2005 Novartis Found Symp. 268, 111 -140; Lesch & Merschdorf 2000 Behav. Sci. Law 18, 581 -604). Genetic inactivation of Tph2 function in mice led to the identification of phenotypic changes, ranging from growth retardation and late-onset obesity, to enhanced conditioned fear response, increased aggression and depression-like behaviour. This spectrum of consequences, which are amplified by stress-related epigenetic interactions, are attributable to deficient brain 5-HT synthesis during development and adulthood. Human data relating altered TPH2 function to personality traits of negative emotionality and neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in cognitive control and emotion regulation are based on genetic association and are therefore not as robust as the experimental mouse results. Mouse models in conjunction with approaches focusing on TPH2 variants in humans provide unexpected views of 5-HT's role in brain development and in disorders related to negative emotionality, aggression and antisocial behaviour.Keywords: tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH2); cognition; emotion; impulsivity; aggression; violence
INTRODUCTIONNegative emotionality, aggression and antisociality are complex temperamental traits and social behaviours that arise out of multiple causes involving biological and psychological dynamisms and social forces, and different forms of emotional behaviour may each result from different biopsychosocial pathways. The societal implications of aggressiveness, which results in numerous facets of aggressive behaviour and ranges from the establishment of hierarchies and dominance to antisocial behaviour and delinquency, have been examined with preclinical and clinical frameworks.Developmentally inappropriate conduct, aggressiveness and failure in social adjustment represent the most detrimental and harmful long-term outcome of a wide spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in cognitive control and emotion regulation.In both humans and animals, the term aggression comprises a variety of behaviours that are heterogeneous for clinical phenomenology and neurobiological features. While the impact of complex cultural variables on behaviour impedes simple extrapolation of animal phenotypes to human traits, clinical observation, experimental paradigms in the laboratory and cluster/ factor-analytic statistics have been used in attempts to subdivide aggression. On the basis of different approaches, hu...