We examine flavor SU(3) breaking effects on meson-baryon scattering amplitudes in the chiral unitary model. It turns out that the SU(3) breaking, which appears in the leading quark mass term in the chiral expansion, can not explain the channel dependence of the subtraction parameters of the model, which are crucial to reproduce the observed scattering amplitudes and resonance properties.PACS numbers: 12.39. Fe, 11.80.Gw, 14.20.Gk, 14.20.Jn, 11.30.Hv Keywords: chiral unitary approach, meson-baryon scatterings, flavor SU(3) breaking Properties of baryonic excited states are investigated with great interest both theoretically and experimentally. Recently, the chiral unitary model has been successfully applied to this problem, especially to the first excited states of negative parity (J P = 1/2 − ) such as Λ(1405) and N (1535) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. In this method, based on the leading order interactions of the chiral Lagrangian and the unitarization of the S-matrix, the baryon resonances are dynamically generated as quasi-bound states of ground state mesons and baryons. It reveals the importance of chiral dynamics not only in the threshold but also in the resonance energy region.In the chiral unitary model for the meson-baryon scattering, we consider the coupled channel scatterings of the octet mesons and baryons. Imposing the unitarity condition on the scattering amplitudes T ij in the N/D method, we obtain the scattering equation in the matrix form Refs. [3,8]:where V ij denotes the elementary tree level interaction derived from the chiral Lagrangian. This equation can be solved algebraically. The loop integral G i is the fundamental building block in the chiral unitary model and are regularized by the dimensional regularization;with Ln ±± ≡ ln(±s ± (M 2 i − m 2 i ) + 2 √ sq i )), the masses of baryon and meson M i and m i , the three-momentum of the mesonq i , the total energy in the center of mass system