Manganese(II) oxidation rates in a eutrophiclake were calculated from a 4-year record of sediment-trap data, and the structure of the pre vailing manganese oxides were determined by extended X-ray absorp tion fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The oxidation rate near the sediment surface showed a distinct seasonal pattern, with maxima of up to 2.8 mmol/m 2 per day during summer. The average half-life of Mn(II) during stagnation in summer was 1.4 days. A review of pub lished oxidation rates showed that this half-life, which cannot be ex plained with available data of abiotic surface catalysis, is within the typical range of microbiological oxidation. EXAFS revealed that the oxidation product consists mainly of vernadite (δ-MnO2), an X-ray -amorphous Mn(IV) oxide. INTEREST IN THE AQUATIC REDOX CHEMISTRY of manganese is at least as old as Werner Stumms scientific career. The first Ph.D. student in his laboratory at Harvard University worked on the chemistry of aqueous Mn(II) and Mn(IV) (J). Since then aquatic chemists have refined their analytical tools (2), their conceptual (3) and numerical (4) models of manganese cycling, and their understanding of heterogeneous redox reactions in general (5,6). This chapter examines the biogeochemical and mineralogical aspects of the manganese re-OO65-2393/95/0244-Olll$O8.72/O