We report here the first synthesis of cyclopentadienethione (2)[11. It is formed by gas phase pyrolysis (VTPES methodr2], reactor ca. 20x0.5 cm, 0.05 mbar pressure) of 1,2,3-benzoxadithiol 2-oxide (1) and 1,3-benzoxathiol-2-(3).(2) is unambiguously characterized from its photoelectron spectrum ( Fig. Ib and d). Band @ (at 8.87 ev), due to its shape, position and energy-dependence of the intensi-tyC4], is unequivocally the 'B2(ns)-band. Band @ (at 9.18 ev) is, because of its position (expected at 9.2 eV from the position of the corresponding band in cyclopentadien~ne[~~ and from the ca. 0.2 eV smaller inductive effect of the thiocarbonyl group[61), assigned as an 'A,(n)-band. Band @ (at 10.35 ev) is identified from a relati~nship"~ for the 'B,(n)ionization energy of fulvene-type molecules-again in excellent agreement with the measured value-expected at 10.4 eV, as a 'B,(n)-band. These conclusions are corroborated by CNDO/S-f8"1, MNDO-[8b1 and PERTCI[%alculations (Fig. 2).Thermal fragmentation of (1) and (3) probably proceeds['] via the monothiobenzoquinone (4)lo1. From MNDO-calculations, the valence isomeric benzoxathiete (S) is considerably more energy-rich than (4); the thiocar-bony1 compounds (2) and (4) have ca. 50 kcal/mol more energy than the carbonyl compounds cyclopentadienone and 1,2-benzoquinone. In fact, when (1) is pyrolyzed be-[' I Prof. Dr. A. Schweig, Dip1.-Chem. R. Schulz