“…30,33,35,47,50,51,56-58,67,69,72,80,84,91,112 30,33,35,47,50,51,56-58,67,69,72,74,80,84,91,112 . qMT parameters included the R1free (k=7) 30,33,35,47,50,56,69 or T1free (k=5) 51,58,67,80,91 including under saturation (T1sat, k=2), 57,58 T2free (k=4) 33,35,47,69 and T2bound (k=5), 33,35,47,51,69 kf (k=8) 30,33,56,67,69,72,80,91 including under saturation (ksat, k=2), 57,58 the equilibrium magnetisation of the "bound" pool and the non-ideal inversion of the "free" pool signal (M0f and Sf, respectively, k=2), 30,56 f (k=3), 35,47,51 and F (k=2). 30,33,47,50,56,69,72,112…”